

Convert system from depends all time human to depends on tools.


  1. Classic control – Electronic Boards – PLC – HMI – inverter – Embedded systems – PC – Scada system – AI Artificial intelligence.
  2. Classic control: a system to control processing of machine.
  3.  classic control’s components: contactor – push button – timer – overload – … etc
  4.  Electronic Boards: system to control processing of machine.
  5.  Electronic Boards’ features: small – Speed – cheap.
  6.   Electronic Boards’ components: resistor – capacitor – coil – diode – SCR – filp flop – IC- …etc.
  7.  PLC programmable logic control: device to control processing of machine  –
  •  PLC’S features: small – Speed – reprogrammable – remote control.

8. PC Personal computer: a system to control processing of machine.
9. PC’S components: CPU – Memory – Inputs & Outputs.
10. PC’S features: Speed – reprogrammable – remote control – public – cheap.
11. IC integrated circuit: a electronic component have large 

features but in small size.

12. Embedded systems: is a PC in features but in IC size.
13. Embedded systems ‘ Kinds: Microcontroller & FPGA

14. Scada system:       15. AI Artificial intelligence:

Experience design at Cheetahfox

You will be able to use numerous CAD and design tools such as schematic entry, PCB layout and routing, circuit simulators, MATLAB, and more.

Understand your user experience

You will learn hands on techniques such as circuit construction with solderless breadboards, wire wrapping, and soldering.

Responsive across devices

You will be able to leverage this knowledge to build and produce electronic products completely themselves.

Learn Electronics and PCB Design from the Ground up with Altium CircuitMaker and Labcenter Proteus

combinatorial digital circuits.

You will be able to analyze and construct basic analog and digital circuits. Everything from filters and amplifiers to clocked and combinatorial digital circuits.

breadboards, wire wrapping

You will learn hands on techniques such as circuit construction with solderless breadboards, wire wrapping, and soldering.

Products completely

You will be able to leverage this knowledge to build and produce electronic products completely themselves.

circuit simulators

You will be able to use numerous CAD and design tools such as schematic entry, PCB layout and routing, circuit simulators, MATLAB, and more.

signal generators

You will learn how to use basic electronics lab equipment such as oscilloscopes, power supplies, signal generators, and more.

power supplies

You will learn how to use basic electronics lab equipment such as oscilloscopes, power supplies, signal generators, and more.

Make your quality PCB board by yourself

Learn Electronics and PCB Design from the Ground up with Altium CircuitMaker and Labcenter Proteus

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